Thursday, June 30, 2005

Does Everything in the World have an Opposite?

Does everything in the world have an opposite? ie.good/evil, empty/full, dry/wet, man/woman/, etc. And, if so, did God make it that way? And if so, why? Whoa! Got another great question! Log on and welcome m^3!


At 7:20 PM, Blogger Pia's Pals said...

Welcome Jewel! I think we have another twist on this one. It is true, are they really opposites or have we just made them so? Is it our judgment of something being good or bad...or is it?

Let's see what others think!

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Pia's Pals said...

Welcome mr. reality and fyerfaery! You both have got some great comments on m^3 question. A lot to take in!

I have a few thoughts and "wonderings" to share. Fundamentally, I really do not think God intended to create opposites but ONENESS. Now, maybe one could argue...that one could not exist without the it is the opposites that give the universe the balance it needs to move and function as ONE.

Fyerfaery, your comments on good and evil, got my attention...we tend to catergorize people into those two frameworks...I just do not think God sees good and evil people...God sees good people (...and God said, "It was good.") We are the ones who make those divisions far too easily.

It is like we think, "If I know there is someone out there worse than me, then I must be okay!" I really think our Christian concept of heaven, purgatory and hell really set that one up! Wonder if we believed we were all going to heaven (no opposite like hell existing)? Would we treat each other differently here on earth? If I knew I was going to encounter you again FOR ETERNITY would I be a little more prone to work things out here a little more effectively?

This notion of good and evil sets us at odds right away with each other...because it creates two camps...them and us, the unsaved and saved, the hell crowd, the heaven crowd and the poor maybe purgatory crowd (and I think they have it the hardest, such a 'fear factor' connected to that whole area).

I believe we are ONE as a people at the core of who we are and I believe we are ALL good as well. No "act of evil" can destroy that place of goodness within, which I see as our God space, otherwise you would be saying we could destroy God!

Is there an opposite from that God space within each human being and every created living thing? I cannot think of evil space? No, not a space...a bad choice? Yes. Does that make it an opposite or just a bad or evil choice, that hopefully we can learn from and channel into the good that is always intended?

And what then is evil? I think it is not recognizing that we are innately good and ONE people. I do not think there is an opposite of good...all is good, how we approach that or see that or believe that will determine a lot..especially our actions or lack of action towards people.

Can all just be? Can all have value, grace, lessons to learn within it? Like dark just be dark and light just be dark? Both valued, both good, both necessary for life lessons and the evolvement of a new creation?

Just a few thoughts...please all come again!

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Pia's Pals said...

Good to hear from you again, fyerfaery! Thanks for your comments on the Buddhists beliefs and teachings. I respect and reverence all seekers of God and know that ALL hold that God-space within:)

Looking at one of your quotes, it brings to mind another question I have. (quote)..."so do we all have the capacity to hurt other (emotionally, physically or otherwise) through our greed and arrogance, thus manifesting evil. However, most importantly, in Buddhism it is taught that each individual has a choice as to what aspect of his or her human nature he or she wishes to manifest." (end of quote)

I do agree whole-heatedly that we all have the capacity for great love or great destruction. (as we just witnessed in London, God be with them) We truly have the choice to manifest our lives as we desire (ability and psychological freedom prevailing).

The question I have is, "Because a person DOES evil do they now BECOME evil?" "Do they lose or forfiet that God space and now are lost forever?" "Does God now have the choice to walk away from them?' "Would God ever make that choice to walk away from ANY of God's children?" (I guess it evolved into a few questions:)

Let me know what you think, fyerfaery, and all other God seekers:) Still waiting for m^3 to comment if they would like. God's peace!

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Pia's Pals said...

Hi fyerfaery! Sorry it took so long to get back to you! We are at our big Congregational Dominican Chapter for the next two weeks and they are pretty intense but AWESOME days:) Our 200 sisters are gathered from the U.S., Mexico,and Germany. We are having a great time in visioning, prayer, study,community,celebration,and lots of play and fun! I feel blessed to be here! :)

Anyway, got a sec tonight so wanted to thank you, fyerfaery,for your great sharing on your beliefs. I'll try to get to those sites when I get a little more time.

I love to hear all the different ways to see and more importantly
experience God. And that leads me to my question for you (and all interested) And that is, "How do you experience God on the day to day level...or as you shared, Mystic Law? I am fascinated by Mystic Law, I have refered to God as Mystic Love, why would you not say Mystic Love, would that not describe your experience more aptly? And another question, What is love to you? How does that differ from what is good? And another, if we are not innately good what are we? You did say a mix of good and evil, but is there an "essence" that stands alone within that is pure, spirit and forever? And, if not, what happens when you die...or do you ever really die?"

Come again, fyerfaery, and all other God seekers and believers of all sorts and ways! :) Peace always to your heart, your sister with heart:)

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Pia's Pals said...

Hello all:) I am having a little blog crossover, so if you want to see my next question please go to:

...and let me knonw what you think??

God's Peace and Love, your Sis' Rebecca with heart::)

At 2:46 AM, Blogger Elsy said...

Does every thing have a opposite. I enjoy that question lol. I wish it were true then life would be alil easier ya think id have 2 say no cause that would make things alil to perfect however if everything did have a opposite i like 2 know if god has a opposite like a yin yang type of deal god creates the other destroys no feelings attached just does its job hmmm that would be cool.
sorry for the bad grammar :) i think it adds personality

In full there cant be an opposite to everything except in your own mind perception i believe is the key to how life works.


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