Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Intelligent Design

Since Becky is currently out of town, I thought I’d add a new discussion topic to keep the dialogue going.

Recently, President Bush stated his support for the teaching of intelligent design alongside evolution in science education. The theory of intelligent design says life on earth is too complex to have developed through natural selection, implying that a higher power must have had a hand in creation.

Does the theory of evolution counter your belief in God as creator? What do you think about the teaching of intelligent design in public school science curriculum? Do theories like intelligent design belong in a science classroom or in a philosophy/religion class? If we do not teach ideas like creationism and intelligent design in schools, are we undermining students' religious beliefs?

I can't wait to read about all of your thoughts on this topic. :)


At 8:46 AM, Blogger Alyssa said...

Does anyone have any other topics they would like to discuss? Post them here!

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Pia's Pals said...

Thank you, Alyssa, for putting a question out there. I am back from the desert and my 30 day silent retreat and appreciate your tending care here. (By the by my retreat was just AWESOME!!!)

It is an interesting question you pose. It has taken a few years but the Catholic Church has certainly grown in seeing the wonderful contribution of science to the study of theology. And has even seen merit and given credit to the process of evolution.

I for one have thought it even MORE incredible that our loving Creator would nurture our growth as a species over billions of year rather than for just seven days. It indeed would take an intelligent design to orchestrate that one! (and continue to do so:)

What are some of your thoughts on this one, Alyssa, I am very interested in hearing them!


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