Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Does God know the future?

Here we are in 2006! Fresh new year...or is it? Is it already determined how it will go? Does God have it all planned for us? Do we need to figure out what God wants for us? Will our year be "second" best if we miss the cues God gives us? Come on in and share with us your thoughts:)


At 5:42 PM, Blogger Pia's Pals said...

Thanks, Donna:) I am having a great celebration every day...all is good, all is God:) Peace and Joy to you in your part of the world! With love, your sisterwithheart :)

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Pia's Pals said...

What I have come to believe in my own life is that "you cannot let go of that which you have never held on to".

Meaning that...all of God's creation and people are beautiful and we grow in attaching ourselves to it all...and I mean cars, horses, pets,hi-tech stuff,houses, colors, trees, family, friends, lovers, etc.... to be attached to something or someone is to really come to know and love things and people...which eventually leads us to deepened love and appreciation of things and people.

THEN and only then are we mature enough to understand what we are 'letting go' of! Not the beauty of the thing or person, but the part that does not allow us or it to be beautiful and free any longer.

An example of 'nature at work' which is usually the best spiritual teacher...
[A toddler will natually attach herself to her parents AND her blankee (the blankee gives her a sense of her growing sense of 'self' separate from her parents...the blankee being a very important part of the child's growing into independence and freedom)...I venture to say if we do NOT let the child attach to anything or anyone, she would never know love in its deepest sense.

Letting go is not for spiritual beginners, those who have never known the attachment and love of a thing or person. If you try to let go before you even attach, you are in a 'spiritulized' never never land that has no clay or roots in the flesh of mother earth or another.
You will so to speak live your life 'unattached' from the earth and others. Kind of living air.

Rejoice in your attachments, they are what lead to full and deep love. Just my experience:)
Always love your coming, Elizabeth! your sister with heart

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Pia's Pals said...

The part we need to detach from is that which does not recognize the 'oneness' among all things and persons:) Actually, the part that is NOT attached to the oneness of all things and persons, is the part we need to ATTACH.

We need to detach from the illusion that we are not all ONE. In doing that we are complete, ONE LOVE, in being and doing:)
With one Love and Peace,your sister with heart :)


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