Saturday, April 30, 2005

What difference does it make if I believe in God?

Good question! Does it really matter if I believe in God or not? Would my life "look different" if I didn't believe in God? Would my life change if I did believe in God?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Welcome our new Pope Benedict XVI! What are your thoughts, feelings, dreams or concerns?

My heart is mixed! I know, again, our North American issues have a slight chance of being addressed...meaning women empowerment in church leadership roles, such as ordination, the ability for priest to marry, embracing fully our gay brothers and sisters, more reprimand of priests/bishops covering up priest molestation, etc.....Again, I am reminded of our global church, what are their needs? Genocide, Aids epidemic, utter poverty in Africa, oppression and deep poverty in Latin America, trafficking of women and children across the world, still 2/3rds of our world going to bed hungry every night!

I don't know, again where will the Pope put his 78 years of energy? My spirit was so moved by the crowd, literally 1,000's upon 1,000's, of young people in the Vatican Square so jubilant and enthusiastic. I can't ignore that, what dream is burning in their young hearts? What are they feeling or seeing what I am not? Can I remember what I felt when I was 20 and how I viewed the world and what I thought it needed to make it better? Was I more "black and white" more traditional back then?

Blog on and let me know how you see all this!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Your Thoughts and Feelings about the "Going Home" of our Pope John Paul II

I began my morning at 1:00am as I curled up on the couch with a blanket to pray with the millions around the world, thousands upon thousands in the square, and the hundreds gathered around the Vatican outside altar. All gathered, all equal, around a very holy man laid within a simple, humble, cypress coffin, that he requested to return to the arms of his dear Mother Earth, the ground from which he sprang!
As I watched into the wee hours of the morning I was more and more moved by the love, hope and union that was and is so present in our world, I feel I can just reach out touch it. Continued thoughts inside...all are welcome to share!